to all of the amazing businesses that have partnered with
Safe In Austin
to provide amazing care to all of our animals!
All of the animals in our care here at SAFE IN AUSTIN have a background of trauma or special needs and we are a non-profit dedicated to the well being and safety of these animals who provide healing for people with similar stories.
We are always looking for businesses who would like to help us achieve those dreams.
If you are interested in becoming a corporate sponsor please contact us at info@safeinaustin.org
Corporate Sponsors
Become a Corporate Sponsor
Great Pyrenees $20,000
Sponsor Level
Signage at rescue as top sponsor.​
Monthly Post on all social media platforms.
Monthly newsletter mention and logo.
XLRG Logo on corporate sponsor page with link to website.
Tour with up to 10 people​.
First chance to sponsor top tier for events.
Pitbull $10,000
Sponsor Level
​Signage at rescue as sponsor.
Quarterly Post on all social media platforms.
Quarterly Newsletter mention and logo.
​Large Logo on corporate sponsor page with link to website
Tour with up to 10 people.
First chance to sponsor top tier for events.
Bulldog $5,000
Sponsor Level
2x a year post on all social media platforms.
2x a year Newsletter mention and logo.
Med logo on corporate sponsor page with link to website.
Tour with up to 10 people.
Chihuahua $2,500
Sponsor Level
1x Year Post and Story on all social media platforms.
1x Year Newsletter mention and Logo.
Sm Logo on corporate sponsor page with link to website.
Tour with up to 10 people.
Email us at info@safeinaustin.org for more information.